« Séminaire de métaéthique »
Les mercredis à 15h
ENS – 29 rue d’Ulm – 75005 Paris
Salle du Centre Cavaillès (3ème étage, droite)
organisé par Monique Canto-Sperber (CNRS/ENS/République des Savoirs) et
Stéphane Lemaire (Université de Rennes 1)
• 30 mai 2018
Michele Palmira (University of Barcelona & LOGOS Research Group), “How to Respond Rationally to Moral Disagreement”
In this talk I tackle the question of how we should respond to moral disagreement with our acknowledged epistemic peers. In the first part of the talk I examine and criticise two answers to this question: the conciliatory answer maintaining that we should suspend judgement, and the steadfast answer claiming that we should retain our beliefs. My main line of criticism is developed around the idea that both answers fail to appreciate the multifaceted nature of moral disagreement. In the second part of the talk I outline a third-way answer, which hinges on two main contentions. First, disagreement is evidence which should lead the peers to re-assess their epistemic position vis-à-vis the issue at stake. Secondly, this re-assessment, which can result in various outcomes depending on the specific disagreement case at stake, can be rationally carried out while entertaining a sui generis doxastic attitude which I call “hypothesis”. In the third part of the talk I test my third-way answer against various cases of moral disagreement in order to show that it fares better than its conciliatory and steadfast rivals.
• 13 juin 2018
Laura et François Schroeter (Melbourne University), « To be donedness »
Organisé conjointement par la République des Savoirs et l’IJN
avec le soutien du labex TransferS