Curriculum vitae : CV
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-, « Fellow » à l’IEA de Nantes du 1er octobre 2021 au 30 avril 2022.
Distinction : Chaire Blaise Pascal attribuée à Ana Soto en 2013-2014 au centre Cavaillès: Addressing biological organization in the post-genomic era (Chaire internationale Blaise Pascal).
Biologists acknowledge a crisis in their midst. Technological improvements have generated an avalanche of data but biologists neither have the theoretical bases nor an adequate language to make sense of them, particularly when trying to explain the generation of shapes. This project aims at defining new biological observables and an appropriate language to describe them; our analysis has already revealed conceptual differences between “complexity” and “organization” that we intend to quantify. These goals will be pursued through exchanges among theoreticians and experimental biologists; this interaction would mutually enrich their disciplines while creating the means to overcome the impasse.